The Sakyamuni Buddhist Meditation Association is a non-profit organization with an EIN of 33-0321021, making all your donations eligible for tax deductions. If you would like to receive a receipt for your donation, please contact Bhikkhu Sangha Palo or Bhikkhu Kusala Mula or send an email to with the subject line “Request for Donation Receipt.” In the email, please provide the following details:
- First and last name
- Purpose of donation (e.g., a donation to Venerable Khippanno Kim Trieu, Triple Gem, Meditation Retreats, etc.)
- Amount of donation
- Donation date
- Donation method (cash, check, Zelle, etc.)
- Whether you wish to receive the receipt via email (scan & send) or via mail. If you prefer to receive it by mail, please provide the recipient’s name and address.
Donation by Check
If you wish to donate by check, please make the check payable to “Sakyamuni Buddhist Meditation Association” and include a memo specifying the purpose of your donation. Examples of possible purposes include:
- Donation for Venerable Khippapanno Kim Trieu
- Donation for Triple Gem
- Donation for Meditation Retreats
- Donation for [specify purpose]
Donation in Cash
If you wish to make a donation in cash, please put it in an envelope and specify the purpose on the envelope. Examples of possible purposes include
- Donation to Venerable Khippapanno Kim Trieu
- Donation for Triple Gem
- Donation for Meditation Retreats
- Donation for [specify purpose]
Donation via Zelle
You can also donate through Zelle by using the phone number (202) 812-9798 ( First Name: Sakyamuni, Last Name: Buddhist Meditation for the Zelle account)
When making your donation, please include a memo specifying the purpose of your donation. Examples of possible purposes include:
- Donation to Venerable Khippapanno Kim Trieu
- Donation for Triple Gem
- Donation for Meditation Retreats
- Donation for [specify purpose]